I will no doubt return to the theme of the obscene wealth gap, but for now I'd like to take up a happier subject -- William Shakespeare. I became a Shakespeare addict when I visited the Folger Shakespeare Library's exhibit at the old Museum of Natural History in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park (I can't recall what year that was). Something about his universality clicked and I've been a bardolater ever since. I have 111 books about Shakespeare, try and see at least one of his plays every year and we are members of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR. The photo of the title page of the "First Folio" to the left was taken by my granddaughter, Laura when she was a "student abroad" in London, last year. I've done all I can to give her a love for Mr. William Shakespeare and I think it's worked. Her favorite is of course, "Romeo and Juliet."
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